Francesca Corra, APLD
It seems that this year has been quite tree-centric. For me, living in Los Angeles, there is a growing concern about our rapidly shrinking tree canopy, which is quite at odds with our local politicians’ shallow rhetoric about global warming. Everyone has been up in arms about the massive fires destroying the Amazon. A similar situation is happening here as we willingly cut down masses of mature trees for new construction, without any thought of creatively building around them. Really, what is the difference but the manner and scale of destruction?
On a happier note, the technique of Hugelkultur seems to be gaining popularity; the Greater Los Angeles district will be holding a hands-on workshop on October 26.
The APLD Design Conference in Seattle this year was a wonder of aboreal delights, from the giant bird’s nest inside the Amazon Spheres at the opening reception, to the extremely eclectic stumpery garden on Vachon Island, to the impressive acceptance of fallen trees in the landscape.
Photos by Francesca Corra, APLD.
Finally, I would like to leave you on this note before you begin the journey through the rest of this issue of California Landscape Design…
Let’s take the second piece of advice! It is time to submit gardens for the APLD Design Awards. In this issue, we proudly highlight the winners this year from California, including Nina Mullen who so deservedly reigns now as Designer of The Year. I urge you to take a careful inventory of your gardens and pick one to submit… “Go Out On A Limb.”
Happy Fall!
Simply scroll down to read the articles.
You may also click on the section titles below.
Letter from the Chapter President
Francesca Corra, APLD
These Are a Few of My Favorite Trees: Designer Picks
These Are a Few of LEAST FAVORITE Trees by Toni Pogue
Hidden Secrets to Tree Establishment and Success by Lisa Smith
Understanding the Nuances of Sustainable Wood by Dani J. Winston
Climate Ready Trees for California Communities by Marcia Jimenez Scott
Arbutus ‘Marina’ by Debbie Gliksman, APLD
Seattle Conference: Some Highlights for Those Who Couldn’t Go by Lynda Meikle and Kelly Kilpatrick
Treemendous Landscapes Around the State
1. Artful Revelry in Piedmont by David Thorne
2. Majestic Oaks in Rancho Santa Fe by Amelia Lima, FAPLD
3. Craftsman in Sacramento by Gary Kernick
4. Eco-Retreat by Gary Kernick
5. Casa Madrina in Palm Springs by Laura Morton, FAPLD
6. Padres Trail in La Cañada Flintridge by Matthew McKellington
7. Modern Hilltop Retreat in Tarzana by Debbie Gliksman, APLD
Welcome New Members
Watershed Wise Landscape Professional Certification Training
Photo courtesy of Jude Parkinson Morgan.
These Are a Few Of My Favorite Trees
APLD members across California chime in on their favorite trees for specific situations.
Favorite tree for WILDLIFE HABITAT value
Cynthia Tanyan: Quercus agrifolia, Coast Live Oak
Carla Harford: Pistachia chinensis, Chinese pistache
Carol Vander Meulen, FAPLD: Cercis occidentalis, Western Redbud
Johanna Woollcott: Arbutus ‘Marina’, Strawberry Tree
Lisa Bellora: Quercus agrifolia, Coast Live Oak
Francesca Corra, APLD: Quercus agrifolia, Coast Live Oak
Mary Fisher, FAPLD: Vitex agnus-castus, Chaste Tree
Julie Lienert & Reka Foss: Prunus ilicifolia, Holly Leaf Cherry
Quercus agrifolia, Coast Live Oak. Photo courtesy of Jude Parkinson Morgan.
Favorite tree to use near or in a RAIN GARDEN
Cynthia Tanyan: Acer rubrum, Red Maple
Carla Harford: Populus tremuloides, Quaking Aspen
Johanna Woollcott: Chilopsis linearis ‘Art’s Seedless’, Desert Willow
Lisa Bellora: Platanus racemosa, Western Sycamore
Francesca Corra, APLD: Platanus racemosa, Western Sycamore
Mary Fisher, FAPLD: Agonis flexuosa, Peppermint Tree
Julie Lienert & Reka Foss: Corylus cornuta var. californica, Western Hazelnut
Chilopsis linearis ‘Art’s Seedless’, Desert Willow. Photo courtesy of Mountain States Wholesale Nursery.
Favorite STREET TREE (under power lines)
Cynthia Tanyan: Acca sellowiana, Pineapple Guava
Kristen Rudger, APLD: Tristania laurina 'Elegant', Elegant Water Gum
Carla Harford: Cercis reniformis ‘Oklahoma’ Oklahoma Redbud
Carol Vander Meulen, FAPLD: Lagerstroemia cvs., Crape Myrtle
Johanna Woollcott: Cassia fistula, Golden Shower Tree
Lisa Bellora: Lagerstroemia cvs., Crape Myrtle
Francesca Corra, APLD: Cercis occidentalis, Western Redbud
Mary Fisher, FAPLD: Acacia fimbriata, Fringed Wattle
Acacia fimbriata, Fringed Wattle. Photo courtesy of Mary Fisher.
Favorite STREET TREE (no power lines)
Cynthia Tanyan: Pistacia X 'Red Push', Red Push Chinese Pistache
Kristen Rudger, APLD: Acer buergerianum, Trident Maple
Carla Harford: Ginkgo biloba, Maidenhair Tree
Johanna Woollcott: Ginkgo biloba, Maidenhair Tree
Lisa Bellora: Cassia leptophylla, Gold Medallion Tree
Francesca Corra, APLD: Jacaranda mimosifolia, Jacaranda
Mary Fisher, FAPLD: Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’, Red Maple
Pistacia X 'Red Push', Red Push Chinese Pistache. Photo courtesy of Mountain States Wholesale Nursery.
These Are a Few Of My Least Favorite Trees
When you see these trees coming, run the other way…
by Toni Pogue
Physis Design, Santa Clarita, CA
We’ve all met that person—the one that seems great, but as time goes on, reveals themselves to be a gossip or a liar. Well, the tree universe has those ‘people’ too. I’ve chosen a list of common trees (and a vine) that seem to cause problems with most of the homeowners I talk to. Major concerns with these trees include damage to houses and property, allergies, messiness, invasive behavior, and flammability.
The list of trees you should avoid planting changes depending on your criteria: the place you want to put the tree, your climate, and several other things. A “problem tree” may be worth the extra work to you, or they may be a fine fit for the place you’re putting them. A liquidambar tree is beautiful and fine as long as its roots can’t reach any pipes or sidewalks, for instance.
We are lucky to live in a mild climate where we have so many choices in trees and plants. Why choose a tree that’s a troublemaker?
by Dani J. Winston, RLA
Landscape Architect
Arterra Landscape Architects, San Francisco, CA
Photo courtesy of Dani J. Winston.
Using sustainable materials in a landscape results in a long-term decrease of energy consumption, conserves water, and serves to bolster ecological function by reducing environmental strain. This ultimately contributes to increased environmental services, and healthier, enduring landscapes.
In Designing the Sustainable Site, Heather Venhaus describes a series of benefits supported by sustainable sites. They include ecosystem services, such as regulating temperature and precipitation, sequestering greenhouse gasses, cleansing air and water, providing habitat, maintaining soil health and fertility, retaining and storing fresh water, controlling erosion, and mitigating natural hazards such as flooding, wildfire, and drought. Sustainable sites may also provide social benefits, such as providing recreation, producing food and other raw materials such as timber, medicine, and fuel, providing inspiration and cultural enhancement, and enhancing opportunities for mental respite.
Climate Ready Trees for California Communities
by Marcia Jimenez Scott
Marcia Scott Landscape Design, Somerset, CA
Photo courtesy of Marcia Jimenez Scott.
Why do we need to know about climate-ready trees? In the field of arboriculture, climate change has been extensively researched. If you ask an old tree, it already knows the climate is changing rapidly.
Trees are the plants in our landscapes that live the longest. As responsible designers, some elements of our designs should take our landscapes into the future. Trees—those majestic, whimsical, lovely actors—can help do that for us. Trees have to contend with stressors that have become critical factors in their ability to thrive or even survive. These stressors include heat, drought, high winds, salinity, pests and disease, and delayed dormancy (lack of winter chill), to name a few. We need to select tree types that can cope with conditions those trees might experience in 20, 40, even 75 years. Our designs should consider using tree species that will be able to thrive in the predicted climate of the coming years.
UC Davis, in collaboration with arborists, foresters, growers and others, have a 20 year-long field study/evaluation identifying and testing the resilience of specific tree species to climate change stressors. Some are quite attractive, require minimum maintenance, and will pose little hazard to people or infrastructure. Most of these trees are unfamiliar to many of us in landscaping, but what that can mean to you is a new recommended tree palette to use, new opportunities!
Arbutus ‘Marina’, strawberry tree
by Deborah Gliksman, APLD
Urban Oasis Landscape Design, Los Angeles, CA
Photo courtesy of Robert Perry.
It seems as if I’m always searching for the perfect tree for an urban yard. It’s not so easy with all the myriad factors that we need to consider when specifying climate appropriate plant material. The tree should be able to grow with little water once established. It should stay a manageable size for an urban lot and should have visual interest in its bark, leaves and fruit. It should be disease and pest resistant and, if possible, it should also be fire-wise.
The delightful strawberry tree checks all the boxes. It stays relatively small, with a lovely shape with twisting trunks and a low canopy. Particularly large specimens of the strawberry tree may reach 30 - 40 ft high, but many are smaller, and the plant is slow-growing which makes it a good choice for many garden settings.
Arbutus ‘Marina is a naturally occurring hybrid of Arbutus unedo and Arbutus andrachne species native to the Mediterranean region and has characteristics of Manzanita and Madrone trees although easier to grow than the native Madrone. It is grown as either a standard or multi trunked specimen.
The Strawberry tree an evergreen tree whose exfoliating bark peels away to reveal the gorgeous, shiny, red, new bark underneath. Leaves are a thick, glossy and satisfyingly deep green, and dainty, pendulous clusters of urn-shaped, blush-colored flowers - much like manzanita flowers - bloom year-round. The flowers grow simultaneously with the unusually shaped, red to yellow pom-pom fruit with extraterrestrial-looking spikes. The fruits are edible, but they are much more appetizing to birds and other wildlife than humans. Because of the above characteristics, it does have a fair amount of litter from its fruit, flowers and bark so it’s not a good choice to be placed by paving, a walkway or pool.
The Arbutus ‘Marina’ should be planted in full sun or part shade with good drainage. The strawberry tree is summer dry once established. It’s deer-tolerant and has low root damage potential (although it will suffer from root rot if it languishes in wet soil). It’s resistant to oak root fungus and not on the list of reproductive hosts of Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer. It’s hardy to 15-20 degrees F (with some tip damage on young plants with temperatures in the low 20's F).
All things considered, it’s an enchanting addition to your waterwise garden with lots of visual interest year-round. It can be used as a focal point but also plays nicely with others (plants).
Photo courtesy of Francesca Corra.
Award-Winning California Members
The APLD International Landscape Design Awards Program honors excellence in landscape design. Projects in eight different categories are judged on the basis of difficulty, craftsmanship, attention to detail and execution. This year seven California designers took home awards.
Click HERE to view this article in full.
Nina Mullen
Mullen Designs, Albany, CA
Project title: PANORAMIC HAVEN
Category: RESIDENTIAL #2 $25,000 - $100,000
Project location: OAKLAND, CA
Photo courtesy of Jude Parkinson Morgan.
Ryan Prange
Falling Waters Landscape Inc., Solana Beach, CA
Award #1: GOLD
Category: RESIDENTIAL #3 over $100,000
Project location: NEWPORT BEACH, CA
Photo: Richard Bloom / Brett Hilton.
Award #2: SILVER
Project title: BASIL STREET
Project location: ENCINITAS, CA
Photo: Falling Waters Landscape.
Award #3: BRONZE
Category: RESIDENTIAL #3 over $100,000
Project location: ENCINITAS, CA
Photo: Falling Waters Landscape.
Joel Berlin, APLD
Anandascapes LLC, San Diego, CA
Award: GOLD
Project title: KOCH PROJECT
Category: RESIDENTIAL #2 $25,000 - $100,000
Project location: SAN DIEGO, CA
Colin Miller
Envision Landscape Studio, Pleasant Hill, CA
Award #1: GOLD
Project title: PIERCE ROAD
Category: #2 $25,000 - $100,000
Project location: SARATOGA, CA
Award #2: GOLD
Project title: OAK GROVE AVENUE
Category: RESIDENTIAL #3 over $100,000
Project location: ATHERTON, CA
Award #3: SILVER
Project title: BROOKSIDE DRIVE
Category: RESIDENTIAL #2 $25,000-$100.00
Project location: DANVILLE, CA
Debbie Gliksman, APLD
Urban Oasis Landscape Design, Los Angeles, CA
Project title: BEACH CITY
Category: RESIDENTIAL #3 over $100,000
Project location: MANHATTAN BEACH, CA
Mario Herrada
Zacate Landscape Design, San Francisco, CA
Project location: ORINDA, CA
Linda Middleton, FAPLD
Terralinda Design, Walnut Creek
Project title: MODERN 50’S RANCH
Category: RESIDENTIAL #3 over $100,000
Project location: PLEASANTON, CA
Photos: ©ilumus photography & marketing.
It’s All in the Details
For those of us who were lucky enough to attend this summer’s APLD International Design Conference in Seattle, you already know how inspiring the gardens were. For the rest of us, two Bay Area District Members have kindly offered to share some of their favorite details from the conference.
Photo courtesy of Francesca Corra, APLD.
Photos by Lynda Meikle
Outer Visions Landscape Design, Pleasanton, CA
by Kelly Kilpatrick
Floradora Garden Design, Oakland, CA
Click HERE to view this article in full.
by David Thorne
David Thorne Landscape Architect, Inc, Oakland, CA
Photo courtesy of Agnieszka Jakubowicz Photography.
Artful Revelry
The project initially began as a house addition for the homeowner’s painting studio and soon evolved into a more extensive home renovation with updated materials and large new windows and glass doors to invite the landscape views and light inside. With her children grown, the homeowner’s new lifestyle filled with art and entertaining was actualized alongside her vision for a sophisticated and harmonious contemporary design inside and out.
by Amelia Lima, FAPLD
Amelia B Lima & Associates, Inc., Del Mar, CA
Photo courtesy of Amelia Lima, FAPLD.
Majestic Oaks in Rancho Santa Fe
A new garden of Aloes, Agaves, Succulents and Ornamental Grasses complement this vanishing edge pool. The new curved steps connect the existing patio to the sun bathing area. The color and texture of the drought resistant plants contrast with the existing body of water to bring life to this landscape.
by Gary Kernick
Change of Seasons, Sacramento, CA
Photo courtesy of Gary Kernick.
With an attention to detail reminiscent of a bygone era, this East Sacramento home reflects quality workmanship. A carved stone bench, a custom fountain and lush plantings all contribute to the overall vision.
Also by Gary Kernick
Photo courtesy of Gary Kernick.
This Mid-Century Modern home features a homebuilt music studio. To bring the groovy vibes outside, we ripped out the back lawn and installed terraced patios with drought tolerant plantings. A custom ‘pipe organ’ fountain supplies the water music. The biofuel fire bowl is a hot spot for a midnight jam session…just make sure you invite the neighbors.
by Laura Morton, FAPLD
laura morton design, West Hollywood, CA
Photo courtesy of Laura Morton, FAPLD.
Essentially when we first bought the place there had been no irrigation on the garden for 2 years so what was left were well established native palms and others adapted to the Palm Springs climate Sunset zone 13. We moved rocks and some underlayer plastic sheeting. I mounded our extra soil/sand from digging elsewhere to create contours and berms. I decided to use mostly native and other “desert” plants. I went to Mountain States Nursery and had a good long chat with Wendy Proud who helped me understand this new zone I was working in.
by Matthew McKelligon
Hillrise Design, Los Angeles, CA
Photo by Steven James Scott.
Photo courtesy of Matthew McKelligon.
Padres Trail in La Cañada Flintridge
As we all know, oak trees are protected more dearly than human lives in California. La Cañada Flintridge, where the project site is, is particularly riddled with oak trees, which give the city and its properties so much of its character. We were required to get an arborist out to check on the overall health of the trees, as well as provide him with a plan of the work to be done so that he could make construction recommendations for us to include in the overall design.
by Debbie Gliksman, APLD
Urban Oasis Landscape Design, Los Angeles, CA
Photo courtesy of Deborah Gliksman, APLD.
Modern Hilltop Retreat in Tarzana
This project was located in Tarzana, California, which is one of the hottest neighborhooda in the West Valley of Los Angeles County. When I first arrived, the garden was a poster child for deferred maintenance; a tumble-down wooden fence blocked the views, the paving was cracked and dated, and there was not a single shrub or groundcover worth saving. The site, however, had a lot of potential.
Tree Time for Alison…Benicia Tree Foundation
by Alison Fleck, FAPLD
Simply Perfect Gardens, Benicia, CA
I guess it all started when my friend Elizabeth Patterson (previously a City Council member, now Mayor) asked me to help create a tree committee. Benicia’s trees were not being well cared for, and she wanted to see that change. Rewriting the existing tangle of tree ordinances was the best first step, so we spent 3 years working with the City staff and the public to enact a new, more straightforward tree ordinance that helps homeowners keep healthy trees and remove dangerous ones. It’s not perfect…but nothing is.
While we were working on the ordinance, another group of citizens had arranged an influx of money from our local refinery, Valero, to pay for environmentally-sound projects. Several people who had worked on the tree ordinance joined forces, and in 2009 we created the Benicia Tree Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit. Our Mission is “to strengthen community by promoting and supporting tree planting, maintenance and education”. To that end, working with the City, local schools, and private homeowners, the Foundation has thus far planted 821 trees.
Welcome New Members
Please give a warm welcome to these new members of the APLD California Chapter.
Emerging Professional Members
An individual who has been practicing landscape design for one to three years and is starting a career in landscape design. Membership requires affirmation of education and experience, but not documentation.
Jonathan Ladd
Jonathan Ladd Landscape & Garden Design
Los Angeles, CA
Kelly LeVoir
Encinal Nursery
Alameda, CA
Ryan Minahan
David Thorne Landscape Architect, Inc
Oakland, CA
Allied Members
An individual practicing in a related and/or associated field to landscape design.
Brian Gonzales, Escondido, CA
Student Members
An individual who is actively enrolled, on a full or part‐time basis, in a landscape design, landscape architecture or horticulture program. Membership is limited to five years of membership at this level and proof of enrollment must be submitted.
AnnMarie Boylan, Sacramento, CA
Gary McCune, San Diego, CA
Jeremy Moss, San Jose, CA
Rebecca Perrine, San Francisco, CA
Debbie Seracini, National City, CA
Angela Tamblin, Alameda, CA
Ilona Kozin, San Jose, CA
Karly Silicani, Bay Area
David Cruz Martinez, San Diego, CA
Kirby Baldacci, Bay Area
Photo courtesy of Jude Parkinson Morgan.
News and Events from the APLD Bay Area District
So, there are three recent APLD Bay Area District events that I think deserve a little bragging about.
First, our 3rd Annual APLD Bay Area Designer Plant Fair on August 13 was, once again, off the charts. With over 130 attendees and 14 vendors, we really had a fun day. We’d like to share our handout with all the new/special plants that were featured: click here.
Photos from the 3rd Annual APLD Bay Area Designer Plant Fair, courtesy of Becky Harrington.
Second, for a little change of pace from our usual Summer Celebration at the Ruth Bancroft Garden, we decided to have an Autumn Celebration at the UC Botantical Garden at Berkeley on September 10th. This event was lovingly organized by Patricia St John and was truly a magical evening. For many of us, this was the first glimpse of the newly renovated Julia Morgan Hall and of the new Garden Director, Lew Feldman. Long-time Garden Manager (and APLD friend) Anthony Garza walked us through the new native landscaping surround the Hall. Food, music, plants, friends!
Photos from the Autumn Celebration at the UC Botantical Garden at Berkeley, courtesy of Kathleen Olson.
Third, if you’ve ever considered making the trip to Village Nurseries’ Horticultural Encounter events, you should! On September 19, Suzie Wiest herself picked up a group of APLD Bay Area District Members and drove us out to their newly acquired 1,600 acre nursery in Winters, California. Tree Town/Village Nurseries recently acquired this amazing and huge Hines Growers site and were able to transform it into a showcase of plants grouped by different landscape situations: Healthy Hydrozones, Proven Pollinators, Canopy Cove, Wild & Wonderful, etc.
Suzie fed us copious amounts of food and drink and gave us a private tour of the plant displays and a fascinating driving tour of the nursery. Such a wonderful day.
So next September, when you get that invite to Horticultural Encounter, you best make time to attend!
Photos from the September 19th Village Nurseries Horticultural Encounter. Courtesy of Mary Fisher, FAPLD.
—Mary Fisher, APLD Bay Area District Programs Chair
There are five more APLD Bay Area District Events this year. Please join us.
Upcoming Events:
the best trees for small bay area gardens with laura forlin
Not all trees are created equal…especially when it comes to challenging urban conditions: small spaces with close proximity to buildings and less-than-perfect soils. But with years of study and practical experience, landscape designer, lecturer, and arborist Laura Forlin will share with us the best performing trees for small urban landscapes. She will highlight both deciduous and evergreen species that do well in our Bay Area climate and that are generally problem-free.
APLD CEUs = 1.5
Tuesday, October 8, 2019 from 4-6pm
at the Lafayette Veteran’s Memorial Building
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
APLD Bay Area designer forum
Join us for a roundtable discussion about the challenges of designing a project that is subject tot he Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance compliance. Please feel free to bring documents from recent or current MWELO projects you may have.
Some topics to be discussed:
Review of parameters that would trigger MWELO requirements
Recent challenges with specific local planning departments
Specific compliance requirements that have proven problematic
Exceptions to applicability of the ordinance
Tips on avoiding common pitfalls
APLD CEUs = 0.5
Wednesday, October 23, 2019 from 3-5pm
at Gamble Garden, Palo Alto
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
Designing Custom Water Features
Good quality custom water features can be a design challenge for any landscape professional. We will gather a panel of experienced designers & contractors to share their tips and tricks for designing successful custom fountains, ponds and other water features.
APLD CEUs = 1.0
Tuesday, November 12, 2019 from 4-6pm
at the Lafayette Veteran’s Memorial Building
More Info Here
Cool Coloring Techniques
Are you tired of your current method of applying color to client presentation drawings? Come and watch this live demonstration of a few fun and easy techniques that will employ various media such as chalk pastel and watercolor. There will be time at the end of the demo for attendees to play a bit with the materials.
APLD CEUs = 1.0
Wednesday, November 20, 2019 from 3-5pm
at the Gamble Garden in Palo Alto
More Info Here
Events from the APLD Greater Los Angeles District
Landfill to Landscape: A Hugelkultur Workshop
Join Regenerative Garden Designers Leigh Adams and Shawn Maestretti for a hands-on opportunity to learn how to build a Hugelkultur berm to retain moisture, build healthy soil and grow a healthy garden. We will also be presenting on other beneficial, regenerative practices like harvesting water, lasagna mulching, eco-bricks, soil regeneration and much more.
Saturday, October 26, 2019 from 8am-1pm
More Info Here
News and Events from the Sacramento District
Coming This Fall:
Watershed Wise Landscape Professional Training
November 7 & 8 in Sacramento
Open to ALL APLD CA Members & Landscape Professionals!
Today’s landscape professionals need to be more than water-wise, we need to become Watershed Wise Landscape Professionals (WWLP) to manage our limited resources without sacrificing the beauty and functionality of our landscapes. In this unique training, you will:
Learn watershed-based principles and how to apply them through hands-on applications.
Understand how to integrate and take to the next level the fundamentals of sustainable, water-efficient landscaping.
Increase skills necessary to create landscapes that restore and support the environment, increase biodiversity, and conserve fresh water resources.
Acquire strategies for communicating the benefits of Watershed Wise and sustainable landscaping practices to clients.
Build climate-resiliency into your landscapes to withstand our rapidly changing climate.
Become empowered to be a WWLP Champion of Change.
WHO is this training for? This educational opportunity is for YOU – APLD Members; QWEL Certified Professionals; Landscape Contractors; Water Efficiency and Quality Professionals – anyone and everyone who designs, installs, maintains, and manages landscapes. This training is being offered in northern California, but it is open to all landscape professionals throughout the state!
Day 1 November 7th, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Day 2 November 8th, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Day 2 Certification Exam from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
City of West Sacramento
City Hall, Rooms 157 and 160
1110 West Capitol Avenue
West Sacramento, CA 95692
Green Garden Group’s (G3’s) Watershed Wise Landscape Professional (WWLP) training is a US EPA WaterSense labeled Professional Certification Program. Through its holistic, watershed approach, WWLP provides landscape professionals with a deeper understanding of the plant/soil/water relationship, plant water requirements, landscape water budgeting, and irrigation management. The training teaches you how to assess site conditions to use rainwater as a resource and factor rainwater into outdoor water efficiency analyses to reduce supplemental landscape water use and runoff, regardless of the climate in which the landscape is situated.
Build upon your current experience, training, and certifications. The curriculum includes how to:
Utilize on-site water management strategies
Conduct an irrigation water audit and site evaluation
Design projects within water budgets using plant factors
Calculate irrigation run times and precipitation rates to eliminate dry-weather runoff
Design and locate rain gardens
Remove lawn and build healthy living soil
Identify new water efficiency techniques and technologies
This training is valued at $400, BUT thanks to the generous support of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers California Chapter (APLD CA), and our sponsors the Regional Water Authority’s Water Efficiency Program, City of Roseville Environmental Utilities, City of West Sacramento, and California Water Efficiency Partnership (CalWEP). APLD CA is pleased to offer the Watershed Wise Landscape Professional (WWLP) training for a reduced cost:
APLD CA members who are NOT already WWLP certified $143
APLD members who ARE WWLP certified and want a refresher $ 68
QWEL certified professionals who are NOT WWLP certified $143
Non-APLD members or Non-QWEL certified professionals $175
Note: The registration fee includes the cost of the certification exam (held on Day 2), a light breakfast and lunch on both days, and free parking. A modest transaction fee applies for each ticket type. Participants are required to attend both days. We are currently seeking continuing education units.
Space is limited. To register and for more information, visit:
Questions? Contact: Cheryl Buckwalter or Robin Salsburg at
We are still working with the San Diego and Greater Los Angeles Districts to plan abbreviated Watershed Wise refresher workshops in early 2020. In the meantime, we hope to see you in November in Sacramento!
— Robin Salsburg and Cheryl Buckwalter, your APLD CA Advocacy/Sustainability Co-Chairs
News & Events from the San Diego District
Fall is upon us and the San Diego District is looking forward to cooler weather! The first half of the year has seen good membership growth in our District and we are on-budget for the year as well. Our newest Allied Member (JW Lumber) will be a great fit for our District as they bring expertise in lumber and building materials. We are hoping to set up member seminars for learning with them in the near future.
Our outreach efforts have been well-received, and we are getting the word out through garden tour participation (i.e. booth at the San Diego Horticultural Society Garden Tour), social media updates (check us out on Instagram, Facebook, etc.), and event judging (I helped judge the 2019 Del Mar Fair garden entries this past June). Also, I recently joined Chapter President Francesca Corra and GLA President Marilee Kuhlman at the offices of the Metropolitan Water District in Los Angeles for a meeting on combining synergies to help the homeowner public understand quality landscape design. I feel that public and industry awareness of APLD is continuously increasing, and we continue our efforts to position APLD-CA as a key resource for this important industry.
So what’s going on down here? June’s San Diego District member events included our popular Common Grounds meetup (June 20th at Panama 66 bistro in Balboa Park with “Creativity in Your Studio” as the topic), and the 27th was our June Member Forum (Measure-ups and Slopes) at a local designer’s home (yes, with slopes). July was our month off, with the National Conference taking center stage and some of our District members attending. August included our annual Summer Social mixer for members, guests, and Sponsors and for many of us was a time to pause and relax during the hottest part of the year.
In October (4th, 5th, and 6th) APLD-SD is once again hosting the main entrance of the San Diego Home/Garden Show. We are doing our popular “30 for 30” landscape design consultations on Sat. the 5th and look forward to a good turnout! Oct. 24th is our first “Rough Drafts” meetup and happy hour at Second Chance Beer Co. starting at 5pm.
Our Sponsors continue to reach out to District leadership to set up events, and we always ask Sponsors to attend our scheduled events. Bamboo Pipeline recently joined us for a Healing Garden Tour, and we are looking forward to the upcoming event with Direct Lighting Outdoor Lifestyle in September.
On a special note, APLD-SD presented its first scholarship award at the annual Cuyamaca College Botanical Society Scholarship Awards Banquet (please see photo). The CCBS awards thousands of dollars in scholarship funds every year to deserving students in the Ornamental Horticulture program. APLD-SD is honored to support this program, and we look forward to contributing in the future for the next generation of landscape designers.
Welcome New Members
Please give a warm welcome to these new members of the APLD California Chapter.
Qualified Professional Members
An individual who is a landscape designer and has more than three years of professional landscape design experience. Membership requires documentation of education and experience.
Carola Fiore
Crear Landscape Design, San Diego, CA
Srvidya Krishnan
Fill Good Horticulture, LLC, Diamond Bar, CA
Emerging Professional Members
An individual who has been practicing landscape design for one to three years and is starting a career in landscape design. Membership requires affirmation of education and experience, but not documentation.
Chelsea Chan
David Thorne Landscape Architect, Inc, Oakland, CA
Kelly LeVoir
Encinal Nursery, Alameda, CA
Olga Dobrowolska
Artistic Garden Designs, Cotati, CA
David Meirik
MD Landscapes, Santa Rosa, CA
Student Members
An individual who is actively enrolled, on a full or part‐time basis, in a landscape design, landscape architecture or horticulture program. Membership is limited to five years of membership at this level and proof of enrollment must be submitted.
David Cruz Martinez, Oceanside, CA
Jennifer Bromme, Pacifica, CA
Karly Silicani, Walnut Creek, CA
Kirby Baldacci, Oakland, CA
Photo courtesy of Jude Parkinson Morgan.
APLD California Chapter
Through sponsorship of APLD California Chapter, these industry leaders declare their support for best practices, educational programs and events, and the highest standards in landscape design. From veteran materials suppliers to producers of cutting-edge landscape products, these companies have committed to connecting with professional landscape designers and our clients.
with Delta Bluegrass, an APLD CA Silver Sponsor:
Bay Scenery specializes in delivering high-quality landscape construction services in and around Silicon Valley. Through the acquisition of well-known companies such as Harris Landscaping Company, we have cultivated a reputation for excellence in landscape construction for over 30 years.
Simply click on a logo below to visit the website of one of our sponsors.
Please contact Julie Molinare at
Photo courtesy of Jude Parkinson Morgan.
Opportunities and Events
APLD or APLD Sponsor events in BOLD.
WaterSmart Innovations Conference and Expo
Las Vegas, NV
October 2-3, 2019
Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) Training
Rocklin, CA
October 2, 9, 16, & 23
CLCA East Bay General Membership Meeting & Outdoor Lighting Seminar at SiteOne in Dublin, CA
October 3, 2019
CA Garden & Landscape History Society Annual Conference
Lompoc, CA
October 4-6, 2019
Merritt College Fall Plant Sale
Oakland, CA
October 5-6, 2019
Landfill to Landscape: A Hugelkultur Workshop with Shawn Maestretti
Altadena, CA
October 6, 2019
The Art of Pruning Garden Tour: East Bay Gardens with the Aesthetic Pruners Association
October 6, 2019
The Best Trees for Small Bay Area Gardens, an APLD Bay Area Speaker Series with Laura Forlin
Lafayette, CA
October 8, 2019
Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) Training
Escondido, CA
October 8, 16, November 5 & 12, 2019
New and Noteworthy Plants from Sunset Western Garden Collection with Janet Sluis for Western Hort
Los Altos, CA
October 9, 2019
Turf Alternatives Panel Discussion for Southern CA Hort Society
Los Angeles, CA
October 10, 2019
UC Botanical Garden Symposium “Connecting Plants and People, An Ethnobotanical Conversation”
October 11-12, 2019
Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) Training
Santa Rosa, CA
October 11 & 18, November 1 & 8, 2019
CA Friendly Landscaping Class
Oxnard, CA
October 12, 2019
Rain Bird Academy Boot Camp
Sacramento, CA
October 14-18, 2019
CLCA/ReScape Sustainable Landscape Summit
Alameda, CA
October 15, 2019
A Walk on the Delta: A Sod Tour Event with Delta Blue Grass
Stockton, CA
October 16, 2019
Hooked on Foliage with Ted Kipping for the Cal Hort Society
San Francisco, CA
October 21, 2019
Rain Bird Academy Boot Camp
Bakersfield, CA
October 21-25, 2019
With an Eye Toward Nature: A Japanese Garden Design Intensive
Portland, OR
October 22-24, 2019
The 2019 Long Beach Landscape Expo
October 23-24, 2019
Dry Garden Design: The Continuing Legacy of the Ruth Bancroft Garden, a Horticultural Symposium
Walnut Creek, CA
October 26-27, 2019
MWELO Headaches & Hiccups, an APLD Bay Area Designer Forum
Palo Alto, CA
October 23, 2019
What’s Out There Weekend San Diego, tours with TCLF
October 26-27, 2019
Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) Training
Westminster, CA
October 29 & November 13, 2019
Sacramento Water Festival and Conference
October 30 – November 3, 2019
Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) Training
Encinitas, CA
October 30, November 7, 13, 21, 2019
International Landscape Lighting Institute Intensive Course
Rio Verde, AZ
October 31 – November 5, 2019
Pacific Horticulture Society tour of Australia with Linda McKendry
November 5-19, 2019
G3 Watershed Wise Professional Certification
Sacramento, CA
November 7-8, 2019
Designing Custom Water Features, an APLD Bay Area Panel Discussion
Lafayette, CA
November 12, 2019
CLCA Annual Convention
Lake Tahoe
November 13-16, 2019
Traveling the World in Search of Fruit, a presentation with Steven Murray for Western Hort
Los Altos, CA
November 13, 2019
Grasses, All Around You, a lecture with Clay Antieau for Northwest Hort Society
Seattle, WA
November 13, 2019
Building Resilience with Native Plants: Essentials of Native Plant Horticulture with Lili Singer
Los Angeles, CA
November 14, 2019
Icons of Modernism Excursion with The Cultural Landscape Foundation
Palm Springs, CA
November 14, 2019
ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture
San Diego, CA
November 15-18, 2019
Walk the Talk Tours: The Invisible Structures of Permaculture
Fairfield, CA
November 16, 2019
CA Friendly Landscaping Class
Oxnard, CA
November 16, 2019
Cool Coloring Techniques, an APLD Bay Area Panel Demonstration at the Gamble Garden
Palo Alto, CA
November 20, 2019
Landfill to Landscape: A Hands-on Hugelkultur/Bioswale Workshop with Shawn Maestretti
Altadena, CA
November 23-24, 2019
2019 Irrigation Show
Las Vegas, NV
December 2-6, 2019
The Earth in Her Hands: 75 Extraordinary Women Working the World of Plants, a talk with Jennifer Jewell for Western Hort
Los Altos, CA
December 11, 2019
Professional Secrets for Successful Succulent Propagation with Aaron Ryan for Western Hort
Los Altos, CA
January 8, 2020
Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) Training
Santa Rosa, CA
January 23, 24, 31 & 7, 2020
Tomato Mastery: Best Practices for Productivity and Healthy Plants with Cynthia Sandberg for Western Hort
Los Altos, CA
February 12, 2020
Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) Training
Fountain Valley, CA
February 13 & 27, 2020
Contributors to Fall 2019 Edition:
Content Coordinator: Mary Fisher, FAPLD
Design and Content Editor: Maggie J Elias
Call for Submissions
We invite your participation in the California Landscape Design magazine Winter 2020 edition with a theme of "California Natives". Please send your story ideas to before December 1, 2019.