Nancy Knapp Weeds Garden Design, Inc. Los Angeles, CA 

Nancy Knapp
Weeds Garden Design, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA 

You started out as an interior designer and now incorporate both interior and exterior design in your business. When and how did this transition happen? 



What is the focus of your design practice?



What kinds of projects give you the most satisfaction? Tell us about one of them. (and I’d like to show pictures if possible)  



What is the most rewarding part and the most frustrating part of your job as a design +build contractor?



MF: Your blog ( is predominately focused on food and recipes, and your Instagram feed is called “weeds garden and food”.  How did this connection of “garden to table” evolve for you?



MF: If you had to choose only three of your favorite edible plants for urban landscapes, what would they be?



MF: If you had one bit of advice for someone starting out in landscape design, what would that be?
