by Tricia Christopher
Tricia Christopher: Landscape Architect, Oakland, CA
APLD Bay Area District Member
The Green Backdrop
Tricia Christopher is a licensed landscape architect with over thirty-five years of professional experience designing landscapes in the San Francisco Bay Area. Specializing in residential gardens, she has also worked with her Oakland community on school and public gardens and has taught landscape design courses for many years at Merritt College. She holds a Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley and an undergraduate degree in Plant Science from the University of Delaware. She enjoys combining her love of plants with the creative side of designing outdoor environments.
"Don’t forget the power of green! Quite often, evergreen plantings are needed in supporting roles or background locations, especially in smaller gardens with views of fences or buildings. These are the oft-unnoticed workhorses that serve to show off the more colorful or unusual specimens that get all the attention. They need to be versatile, reliable and low maintenance. Listed below are plants that can be used as screens, hedges, fence coverings, or massed in groups to provide soothing green to the garden.
Loropetalum chinense (Chinese Fringe Flower)
Westringia fruticosa ‘Blue Gem’ (Blue Gem Coast Rosemary)
Choisya ternata ‘Aztec Pearl’ (Mexican Orange)
Arctostaphylos ‘Sunset’ (Manzanita)
Correa glabra ‘Coliban River’ (Coliban River Rock Fuchsia)
Rhaphiolepis umbellata ‘Minor’ (Dwarf Yeddo Hawthorn)
Lomandra longifolia ‘Breeze’ (Dwarf Mat Rush)
Arctostaphylos ‘John Dourley’ (Manzanita)
Correa ‘Dusky Bells’ (Australian Fuchsia)
Clytostoma callistegioides (Violet Trumpet Vine)
Solanum jasminoides (Potato Vine)
Listed from tallest to shortest (and vines):
Podocarpus gracilior (Fern Podocarpus)
Tristaniopsis laurina ‘Elegant’ (Elegant Water Gum)
Pittosporum tenuifolium (Kohuhu)
Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Silver Sheen’ (Silver Sheen Kohuhu)
Rhamnus alaternus ‘John Edwards’ (Italian Buckthorn)
Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Wrinkled Blue’ (Wrinkled Blue Kohuhu)
Podocarpus macrophyllus ‘Maki’ (Shrubby Yew Pine)
Grevillea ‘Moonlight’ (Moonlight Grevillea)
Escallonia ‘Iveyi’ (White Escallonia)
Euonymus japonicus ‘Green Spire’ (Green Spire Euonymus)
Rhamnus alaternus ‘John Edwards’ (Italian Buckthorn)
Photo courtesy of Tricia Christopher.
Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Silver Sheen’ (Silver Sheen Kohuhu)
Photo courtesy of Urban Tree Farm Nursery.
Westringia fruticosa ‘Blue Gem’ (Blue Gem Coast Rosemary)
Photo courtesy of DIG Plant Co.
Correa glabra ‘Coliban River’ (Coliban River Rock Fuchsia)
Photo courtesy of San Marcos Growers.
Rhaphiolepis umbellata ‘Minor’ (Dwarf Yeddo Hawthorn)
Photo courtesy of Urban Tree Farm Nursery.
Lomandra longifolia ‘Breeze’ (Dwarf Mat Rush)
Photo courtesy of DIG Plant Co.
Arctostaphylos ‘John Dourley’ (Manzanita)
Photo courtesy of Devil Mountain Wholesale Nursery.