Photo courtesy of Ramie Allard. Photography by Mimi Giboin.
Passing the Baton
by Amelia Lima, FAPLD
Amelia B. Lima & Associates, Inc., Del Mar, CA
APLD San Diego District
As I prepare to pass the APLD Advocacy baton to next year’s chairs, I would like to invite each one of you to take a trip down memory lane and remember some special times and people.
For the last two years, I have served as the Advocacy Chair for both the California Chapter and the San Diego District. It has been a wonderful experience and I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work with so many talented people.
We all have our own motivations that propel us toward getting involved. The right to practice landscape design beside my fellow designers in the State of California is a passion of mine. I feel very strongly about the need to have educated professional designers working with homeowners to show them the benefits that come from creating gardens following the principles of the Watershed approach. Gardens that are appropriate for our climate and give us a sense of place.
What Comes Next
Robin Salsburg
Vision Garden Design, Aptos, CA
APLD Bay Area District Member
Greetings from the New Sustainability and Advocacy Co-Chairs!
The New Year is here, and we are excited to step into our roles as your new California Chapter Sustainability and Advocacy representatives. Our plans for “what comes next” would not be possible without the incredible progress and achievements made during years past by committed APLD members and leaders. We encourage you to take a few worthwhile moments to read this article from the APLD California Chapter Newsletter, June 2016, written by Maureen Decombe, describing the important linkages between APLD advocacy, our roles as professional landscape designers, and the watershed approach to landscapes.
Cheryl Buckwalter
Landscape Liaisons, Cool, CA
APLD Sacramento District Member
APLD National Update
by Naomi Goodman
Firecracker Design Studio, Seattle, Washington
APLD Advocacy Committee Chair &
APLD Washington Chapter Member
The advocacy committee is always up to something, even if members around the country aren’t aware of all the details outside of their own backyard. Much of the work our committee does is behind the scenes or at the local level. The bulk of what this committee has historically focused on has been reactionarily battling the curbs on our ability to practice. However, this year we wanted to take a stab at some pro-active PR for ourselves, so we focused our print message on highlighting a few key projects around the country. Be sure to check on previous national newsletters for those articles. Additionally, we’ve kept busy this past year with a handful of other items…
APLD California Chapter 2019 Board of Directors: These are the volunteers working at the state level, behind the scenes, to ensure that you have the best value for your APLD membership and that your right to practice landscape design in the state of California is protected. We work hard, but are a fun group and are always looking for new volunteers. Do you have skills and are willing to help by taking on just one thing? Please consider serving at the Chapter (state) or District (local) level.
California Chapter President
Francesca Corra, APLD
California Chapter Advocacy/Sustainability Co-Chair
Robin Salsburg
California Chapter Treasurer
Martin Carrion Van Rijn
California Chapter Communications Chair
Laura Kukulski
California Chapter Secretary
Tina Henricksen
California Chapter Membership Chair
Tracey Grillo
California Chapter Advocacy/Sustainability Co-Chair
Cheryl Buckwalter
California Chapter Sponsorship Chair
Julie Molinare
APLD Bay Area District 2019 Board of Directors: These are the volunteers working at the local level in the greater San Francisco Bay area. If you’ve been thinking about getting more involved with APLD, please contact our presidents at
Bay Area District Co-President
Tina Roushall
Bay Area District Co-President
Janet Enright
Bay Area District Vice President
Janet Cohen
Bay Area District Secretary
Maryanne Quincy, FAPLD
Bay Area District Treasurer
Lee Mangus
Bay Area District Advocacy/Sustainability Chair
Robin Salsburg
Bay Area District Communications Chair
Laura Kukulski
Bay Area District Programs Chair
Marcy McCarrell
Bay Area District Membership Co-Chair
Laurie Schofield
Bay Area District Member At Large
Richard Hayden
Bay Area District Membership Co-Chair
Mary Lou Hadley
Bay Area District Member At Large
Karen Mays
Bay Area District Outreach & PR Chair
Anna Wendorf
Bay Area District Member At Large
Sophia Cunningham
Bay Area District Sponsorship Chair
Mary Fisher, FAPLD
APLD Greater Los Angeles District 2019 Board of Directors: These are the volunteers working at the local level in the greater Los Angeles area. If you’ve been thinking about getting more involved with APLD, this is a great place to start. Please contact our president at with any questions about volunteering.
Greater LA District President
Marilee Kuhlmann
Greater LA District Vice President
Jaquelyn Scheidlinger
Greater LA District Immediate Past President
Johanna Woollcott
Greater LA District Secretary & Advocacy Chair
Suzanne Baird
Greater LA District Treasurer & Garden Tour Co-Chair
Julie Deamer
Greater LA District Communications Chair
Catherine McLaughlin
Greater LA District Programs Co-Chair
Debbie Gliksman, APLD
Greater LA District Programs Co-Chair
Shawn Maestretti
Greater LA District Membership Chair
Kathy Oberg
Greater LA District Special Education Coordinator
Ketti Kupper
Greater LA District Social Media /Technology Chair
Max Kanter
Greater LA District Sponsorship Chair
Julie Molinare
Greater LA District Garden Tour Co-Chair
Arleen Ferrara
APLD Sacramento District 2019 Board of Directors: These are the volunteers working at the local level in the Central Valley. If you’ve been thinking about getting more involved with APLD, this is a great place to start. Please contact our president at with any questions you may have about volunteering. We can especially use help with these positions: secretary, communications and PR, membership, and sponsorship.
Sacramento District President
Tina Henricksen
Sacramento District Treasurer
Bernadette Balics
Sacramento District Vice-President
Marcia Scott
Sacramento District Communications Chair
Hope Nelson
Sacramento District Immediate Past President
Martin Carrion Van Rijn
Sacramento District Programs Chair
Gary Kernick
Sacramento District Secretary
Soleil Tranquilli
Sacramento District Advocacy & Sustainability Chair
Cheryl Buckwalter
APLD San Diego District 2019 Board of Directors: These are the volunteers working at the local level in the greater San Diego area. If you’ve been thinking about getting more involved with APLD, please contact our president at with any questions about volunteering.
San Diego District President
David Clarke, APLD
San Diego District Vice President
Andrea Doonan
San Diego District Past President & Sponsorship Chair
Kimberly Alexander
San Diego District Secretary
Jackie Seidman
San Diego District Treasurer
Marilyn Guidroz, FAPLD
San Diego District Communications Chair
Anne-Emilie Gold
San Diego District Media /Technology Chair
Brad Lefkowits
San Diego District PR & Membership Co-Chair
Debra O’Leary
San Diego District PR & Membership Co-Chair
Tracey Grillo
San Diego District Member at Large
John Beaudry
San Diego District Programs Co-Chair
Lisa Bellora
San Diego District Member at Large
Joel Berlin, APLD
San Diego District Programs Co-Chair
Angela Benson
San Diego District Advocacy Chair
Steve Harbour, APLD
Saying Goodbye to Longtime Board Members
by Francesca Corra, APLD
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank a few of our long-serving members who are leaving the California Chapter Board. All of them have been a strong presence in their districts and will continue to be so. It is on the chapter board where their influence reaches all of us, and it is to that I wish to speak. The brevity of my words in no way reflects or encompasses all that they have contributed…otherwise, honestly, I could monopolize this whole newsletter.
Ramie Allard is one of the founding members of the Greater Los Angeles district. She has been in charge of the CA Chapter purse strings for five years. Knowing absolutely nothing about accounting—other than what we all do for our own businesses—Ramie answered the frantic call to help and took on the role of Treasurer. She has been a “treasured” member of our board, always a rock-steady presence, especially helpful to me in her dual role of Vice President this past year (and unofficial board sommelier).
Mary Fisher, FAPLD has worn many hats over the years—usually one piled on top of the other—including CA Chapter President. She will long be remembered for driving the sponsorship program to the level that it is today. Most importantly, it is in the nurturing of these relationships where Mary has been invaluable, as we consider our sponsors to be part of our APLD family.
About a year ago, Mary saved this newsletter from an almost certain death. Even though Mary will no longer be a member of the board, she will continue at the helm of California Landscape Design. So, keep that hat on, Mary!
Amelia Lima, FAPLD has been a member of several APLD chapters around the country and has been certified for over 19 years. We are grateful that she finally settled in California. Amelia started the San Diego district, then moved to the CA Chapter board. After serving as CA Chapter President, she moved into the Advocacy Chair position. She is living proof that if you speak from the heart, with passion and grace—with or without an enchanting Brazilian accent—you can effectively get your message across and be a strong voice for the cause.
Laura Morton, FAPLD was the first President of the Greater Los Angeles district and then moved to the CA Chapter board. After serving as Chapter President, she continued on the board as Membership Chair and then Sponsorship Chair. She has basically been serving the board since Day One. Laura….where will we be without your larger than life personality, your creative spirit, your passion, your compassion and your beautiful singing voice???
Maureen Decombe has not officially been on the Chapter board this past year. However, I simply cannot write this without including her. Maureen’s service to APLD dates back to the beginning of this century! I will bet that most members that see Maureen’s behind-the-scenes machinations don’t even remember that she was CA Chapter President in 2009. Most know her as a strong voice and leader of the charge in our advocacy and sustainability efforts for many years. Simultaneously, since 2014, she has almost single-handedly revamped our website and has created systems that run every aspect of the chapter. Maureen has been absolutely tireless in her efforts and I honestly don’t know how we are going to fly with our own wings, as she ever so steadily weans us off on our own.
All of these beautiful women have been kind and generous to me beyond measure. We have bolstered each other professionally and personally. We have broken bread together, laughed, and cried together.
From the bottom of my heart—and I know I speak for many—thank you.