Francesca Corra, APLD

Welcome to the Fall issue of CLD. This has been a roller coaster of a year so far, hasn’t it? We so appreciate you sticking with us all along the way, both on the where the bank of ideas, sources and information just keeps on growing, and also with the sharing of Zoom-based programming coming from our four districts. 

As you read this issue, two things will be abundantly clear to you. The first is that we have THE most amazingly talented designers in our California Chapter. We are presenting to you the beautiful and inspiring gardens of the 2020 International Landscape Design Award Winners from California. Congratulations to all!!

I encourage you to consider submitting your gardens for awards. Some of our winners this year are first-time submitters who….guess what…WON! 

The second thing that will be clear to you as you peruse this issue is the rock star cast of Sponsors that we have in California. Not only have our sponsors stuck through this year with us, they have joined us in collaborating in innovative ways. The Sponsor Spotlight Series has become so popular that we may just keep it going after life goes back to normal. In this issue, the contribution from our sponsors is so impressive, I don’t even have the words to express my appreciation and delight.

Who would have ever thought that a pandemic would bring so much added work to designers?  

We are all busy and will be busier than ever as the holidays are fast approaching. Still….I would like to urge you to consider joining one of our boards. District boards are forming and volunteers are needed Each district has their own schedule of meetings, so please contact your district leaders if you have any interest.  

The CA chapter board seriously needs a Secretary. This board meets two times a year, once in the north and once in the south.  That means once a year board members fly in for the meeting and once a year they have the home court advantage. The Executive Commiteee meets a third time, typically in mid-summer. In 2021 the first meeting will be online for sure. I would like to appeal to the folks that live further away and have historically not been able to participate so easily. This year we have enjoyed your presence as we have been online. I believe that you have enjoyed this involvement as well. Getting involved in the chapter board is a wonderful way to get to know your compadres from all over the state.

I mentioned in the previous issue that we need to find someone to take over the coordination of CLD. If you think you would be interested in such an endeavor, please reach out to me at  

As the year comes to a close, so does my tenure as California Chapter President. I have enjoyed these three years tremendously as they have been a special time of personal and professional growth. I have received such generous support from our other district and chapter leaders, both in the state and throughout the country. I would especially like to thank our past chapter presidents who have been there to guide me with wisdom, humor and encouragement.  

The best part of this has been getting to know so many of you on a more personal level. We are truly a special group of people…this APLD family.

With best wishes to everyone for safe and Happy Holidays!