Photo courtesy of Ramie Allard. Photography by Mimi Giboin.
Designing today’s gardens
Francesca Corra, APLD
As I sit writing this, two momentous things are happening. First, it is raining like crazy in Southern California; I can only hope that the slopes hold on my current projects, most especially in the burn areas. Aside from those concerns, it feels absolutely glorious!
The second is that our country is presently laying to rest our 41st President, George H.W. Bush. No, I am not getting political here. Everyone who is watching, though, whether live or on the news, or reading online, cannot help but hear of the impressive life of service that this man gave to his country. As I was listening to the eulogies, I quickly grabbed a pen and copied this quote: “He strongly believed that it was important to give back to the community and the country in which one lived. He recognized that serving others enriched the giver’s soul.”
Since the theme of this issue is ‘Giving Back’, I thought it appropriate to share that quote here. In this issue, we honor those who serve, and we encourage those who are looking to serve to consider what you can contribute to APLD and your local community.
When I first started my business, I was well aware of my inexperience and lack of knowledge. To be honest, I kind of felt bad for anyone that might hire me. I needed to do everything possible to learn as much as possible as quickly as possible. I decided the best way to gain experience was to donate my services. Who could really complain then, right? I volunteered for my local Beautification Association. I learned so much, from the process of preparing detailed plans for city approval, dealing with local political figures, and getting involved in a myriad of other ways with my community and local businesses.
I also joined APLD at the suggestion of my landscape design teacher and almost immediately got involved with the district board by assisting the Membership Chair. The knowledge I have gained from my fellow designers and our generous sponsors is immeasurable.
APLD is a community, and by getting involved you gain a greater connection. We are also a multi-layered community. Our districts form a chapter, which is then part of a national whole. Which is why we invited Naomi Goodman to share about Advocacy on the national level. Advocating for the profession of Landscape Design is one of the most important things we do and it does not stop at the California border. Across the country, we share bonds with other designers and those bonds strengthen us.
By volunteering, I have been enriched both personally and professionally. I have always felt that I get back so much more than what I give. My return has been immense, which is why I do not feel bad asking someone to help out. I know that I am really doing them a favor.
Do yourself a favor. Start by coming to one event if you have not already.
Here’s to a Better Than Ever Year 2019!
Simply scroll down to read the articles.
You may also click on the section titles below.
Letter from the Chapter President
Francesca Corra, APLD
Winter Wonders: Designer Favorite Cold Season Plants
Taking the Lead on Fire Prevention by Suzanne Baird, ASLA
Think Outside: Designing Your Business by Ryan Prange
Passing the Baton by Amelia Lima
What Comes Next by Robin Salsburg and Cheryl Buckwalter
APLD National Update by Naomi Goodman
Meet the 2019 Board of Directors
Saying Goodbye to Longtime Board Members
Members Who Educate by Mary Fisher, FAPLD
Giving Back to your Community: a Master Gardener Tale by Deb Christman
Bernadette Balics interviewed by Tina Henrickson
What’s Happening with APLD Around California
What Makes a Good Landscape Lighting Job? by Bruce Dennis of Lightcraft Outdoor Environments, an APLD CA Bronze Sponsor
Photo courtesy of Ramie Allard. Photography by Mimi Giboin.
Winter Wonders: Designer Favorite Cold Season Plants
Winter is traditionally a “quiet time” in the landscape for most parts of the world, but here in California many of our most stunning native and non-native plants are at their very best this time of year.
Below, a few landscape designers share their favorite plants that dazzle in the winter.
Kristin Caldwell
Kristin Caldwell Garden Design, Moraga, CA
APLD Bay Area District Member
I love the gnarly, twisty green branching silhouette in winter of Ponicirus trifoliata. It is a super hardy citrus and gives an "all season" presence with winter silhouette, spring bloom, summer/fall fruit and fall color. Best if placed against a wall where branch structure can be displayed.
Patricia St. John, FAPLD
St. John Landscapes, Berkeley, CA
APLD Bay Area District Member
Two of my favorite plants that carry a garden throughout the winter are Beschonaria yuccoides ‘Flamingo Glow’ and Correa ‘Wyn’s Wonder’. The Beschonaria looks smart, neat and tidy all year giving a low maintenance focal point to the winter garden. The variegated Correa ‘Wyn’s Wonder’ spreads steadily through the garden, with the added bonus of blooming in the winter providing, through its tubular flowers, nectar for our winter-hungry hummingbirds.
Jennifer Kate Brand
Jennifer Kate Landscapes, Livermore, CA
APLD Bay Area District Member
St. Catherine’s lace buckwheat (Eriogonum giganteum) is amazing this time of year. The blooms turn rich chocolate and look incredible with the pale blue foliage beneath. Pairing this plant with cape rush, sage, and ‘blue glow’ agaves accentuates the combination even more.
Kate Stickley
Arterra LLP Landscape Architects, San Francisco, CA
APLD Bay Area District Member
Symphoricarpos albus: White flowers are followed by clusters of berries that start off marshmallowsbut ripen to pure white by early autumn. They look amazing on the naked dark winter stems, and are reminiscent of small marshmellows ready to be roasted. The berries persist through the winter largely because most birds don't like to eat them, which is fine by me! Their strange form and odd colored fruit are a solid backbone of any winter display.
Nan Sterman Waterwise Gardener, Encinitas, CA
APLD San Diego District Member
Aloe rubroviolaceae is one of my all time favorite aloes and it is blooming beautifully in my garden now. This is a low growing rosette-shaped aloe, each 2 to 2.5 feet across and eventually forming a colony. The blades are blue-green with a rose-purple blush and the blooms are intense coral and pink. The rosettes orient themselves so they face the sun. Just stunning.
Felicia echinata from South Africa is a great little subshrub that has tiny grass-green, scale like leaves that clothe upright, two-foot tall stems, each topped in a quarter sized lavender flower with a distinct yellow center. The yellow/green/lavender color contrast is a knockout. I started with just a couple of these plants and they slowly spread, their cottony seeds float across the garden and sprout where they want to grow. And I’m just fine with that.
Designing Your Business
by Ryan Prange
Falling Waters Landscape Design
Solana Beach, CA
APLD San Diego District Member
Ryan Prange, APLD member and founder and principal of Falling Waters Landscape Design, has been practicing in the Los Angeles area for over a decade. He has now decided it is time to share his knowledge with others. He recently launched a subscription mailing list called “Think Outside” filled with insights and business tips. His goal is to provide education and inspiration to help others get started in landscape design, or to boost their business.
Included in this article is an excerpt from the “Playbook” which is a guide that shares insights, tricks of the trade, business advice, systems and processes, case-studies, and everything he’s learned over the years.
Photo courtesy of Ryan Prange.
by Suzanne Baird, ASLA
Perennial Designs, Westlake Village
APLD Greater Los Angeles Advocacy Chair
Having just finished a fuel modification plan for a client who lost their home during the Thomas fire, it was unsettling to find myself a few days later packing our valuables and evacuating from our home of more than 25 years. The fires came close, charring the hillsides and open space surrounding us, but our neighborhood was spared. We were lucky.
As Governor Jerry Brown recently stated, the devastating fires we experienced are no longer the exception but the new norm for California. The combination of drought, urban sprawl into native wilderness, and the unpredictability of fire itself has created a volatile situation. As we saw first-hand with the Woolsey fires, our communities are vulnerable and we need to be better prepared to protect ourselves and limit the spread of the wildfires.
Photo courtesy of Suzanne Baird, ASLA.
Photo courtesy of Ramie Allard. Photography by Mimi Giboin.
Passing the Baton
by Amelia Lima, FAPLD
Amelia B. Lima & Associates, Inc., Del Mar, CA
APLD San Diego District
As I prepare to pass the APLD Advocacy baton to next year’s chairs, I would like to invite each one of you to take a trip down memory lane and remember some special times and people.
For the last two years, I have served as the Advocacy Chair for both the California Chapter and the San Diego District. It has been a wonderful experience and I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work with so many talented people.
We all have our own motivations that propel us toward getting involved. The right to practice landscape design beside my fellow designers in the State of California is a passion of mine. I feel very strongly about the need to have educated professional designers working with homeowners to show them the benefits that come from creating gardens following the principles of the Watershed approach. Gardens that are appropriate for our climate and give us a sense of place.
What Comes Next
Robin Salsburg
Vision Garden Design, Aptos, CA
APLD Bay Area District Member
Greetings from the New Sustainability and Advocacy Co-Chairs!
The New Year is here, and we are excited to step into our roles as your new California Chapter Sustainability and Advocacy representatives. Our plans for “what comes next” would not be possible without the incredible progress and achievements made during years past by committed APLD members and leaders. We encourage you to take a few worthwhile moments to read this article from the APLD California Chapter Newsletter, June 2016, written by Maureen Decombe, describing the important linkages between APLD advocacy, our roles as professional landscape designers, and the watershed approach to landscapes.
Cheryl Buckwalter
Landscape Liaisons, Cool, CA
APLD Sacramento District Member
APLD National Update
by Naomi Goodman
Firecracker Design Studio, Seattle, Washington
APLD Advocacy Committee Chair &
APLD Washington Chapter Member
The advocacy committee is always up to something, even if members around the country aren’t aware of all the details outside of their own backyard. Much of the work our committee does is behind the scenes or at the local level. The bulk of what this committee has historically focused on has been reactionarily battling the curbs on our ability to practice. However, this year we wanted to take a stab at some pro-active PR for ourselves, so we focused our print message on highlighting a few key projects around the country. Be sure to check on previous national newsletters for those articles. Additionally, we’ve kept busy this past year with a handful of other items…
APLD California Chapter 2019 Board of Directors: These are the volunteers working at the state level, behind the scenes, to ensure that you have the best value for your APLD membership and that your right to practice landscape design in the state of California is protected. We work hard, but are a fun group and are always looking for new volunteers. Do you have skills and are willing to help by taking on just one thing? Please consider serving at the Chapter (state) or District (local) level.
California Chapter President
Francesca Corra, APLD
California Chapter Advocacy/Sustainability Co-Chair
Robin Salsburg
California Chapter Treasurer
Martin Carrion Van Rijn
California Chapter Communications Chair
Laura Kukulski
California Chapter Secretary
Tina Henricksen
California Chapter Membership Chair
Tracey Grillo
California Chapter Advocacy/Sustainability Co-Chair
Cheryl Buckwalter
California Chapter Sponsorship Chair
Julie Molinare
APLD Bay Area District 2019 Board of Directors: These are the volunteers working at the local level in the greater San Francisco Bay area. If you’ve been thinking about getting more involved with APLD, please contact our presidents at
Bay Area District Co-President
Tina Roushall
Bay Area District Co-President
Janet Enright
Bay Area District Vice President
Janet Cohen
Bay Area District Secretary
Maryanne Quincy, FAPLD
Bay Area District Treasurer
Lee Mangus
Bay Area District Advocacy/Sustainability Chair
Robin Salsburg
Bay Area District Communications Chair
Laura Kukulski
Bay Area District Programs Chair
Marcy McCarrell
Bay Area District Membership Co-Chair
Laurie Schofield
Bay Area District Member At Large
Richard Hayden
Bay Area District Membership Co-Chair
Mary Lou Hadley
Bay Area District Member At Large
Karen Mays
Bay Area District Outreach & PR Chair
Anna Wendorf
Bay Area District Member At Large
Sophia Cunningham
Bay Area District Sponsorship Chair
Mary Fisher, FAPLD
APLD Greater Los Angeles District 2019 Board of Directors: These are the volunteers working at the local level in the greater Los Angeles area. If you’ve been thinking about getting more involved with APLD, this is a great place to start. Please contact our president at with any questions about volunteering.
Greater LA District President
Marilee Kuhlmann
Greater LA District Vice President
Jaquelyn Scheidlinger
Greater LA District Immediate Past President
Johanna Woollcott
Greater LA District Secretary & Advocacy Chair
Suzanne Baird
Greater LA District Treasurer & Garden Tour Co-Chair
Julie Deamer
Greater LA District Communications Chair
Catherine McLaughlin
Greater LA District Programs Co-Chair
Debbie Gliksman, APLD
Greater LA District Programs Co-Chair
Shawn Maestretti
Greater LA District Membership Chair
Kathy Oberg
Greater LA District Special Education Coordinator
Ketti Kupper
Greater LA District Social Media /Technology Chair
Max Kanter
Greater LA District Sponsorship Chair
Julie Molinare
Greater LA District Garden Tour Co-Chair
Arleen Ferrara
APLD Sacramento District 2019 Board of Directors: These are the volunteers working at the local level in the Central Valley. If you’ve been thinking about getting more involved with APLD, this is a great place to start. Please contact our president at with any questions you may have about volunteering. We can especially use help with these positions: secretary, communications and PR, membership, and sponsorship.
Sacramento District President
Tina Henricksen
Sacramento District Treasurer
Bernadette Balics
Sacramento District Vice-President
Marcia Scott
Sacramento District Communications Chair
Hope Nelson
Sacramento District Immediate Past President
Martin Carrion Van Rijn
Sacramento District Programs Chair
Gary Kernick
Sacramento District Secretary
Soleil Tranquilli
Sacramento District Advocacy & Sustainability Chair
Cheryl Buckwalter
APLD San Diego District 2019 Board of Directors: These are the volunteers working at the local level in the greater San Diego area. If you’ve been thinking about getting more involved with APLD, please contact our president at with any questions about volunteering.
San Diego District President
David Clarke, APLD
San Diego District Vice President
Andrea Doonan
San Diego District Past President & Sponsorship Chair
Kimberly Alexander
San Diego District Secretary
Jackie Seidman
San Diego District Treasurer
Marilyn Guidroz, FAPLD
San Diego District Communications Chair
Anne-Emilie Gold
San Diego District Media /Technology Chair
Brad Lefkowits
San Diego District PR & Membership Co-Chair
Debra O’Leary
San Diego District PR & Membership Co-Chair
Tracey Grillo
San Diego District Member at Large
John Beaudry
San Diego District Programs Co-Chair
Lisa Bellora
San Diego District Member at Large
Joel Berlin, APLD
San Diego District Programs Co-Chair
Angela Benson
San Diego District Advocacy Chair
Steve Harbour, APLD
Saying Goodbye to Longtime Board Members
by Francesca Corra, APLD
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank a few of our long-serving members who are leaving the California Chapter Board. All of them have been a strong presence in their districts and will continue to be so. It is on the chapter board where their influence reaches all of us, and it is to that I wish to speak. The brevity of my words in no way reflects or encompasses all that they have contributed…otherwise, honestly, I could monopolize this whole newsletter.
Ramie Allard is one of the founding members of the Greater Los Angeles district. She has been in charge of the CA Chapter purse strings for five years. Knowing absolutely nothing about accounting—other than what we all do for our own businesses—Ramie answered the frantic call to help and took on the role of Treasurer. She has been a “treasured” member of our board, always a rock-steady presence, especially helpful to me in her dual role of Vice President this past year (and unofficial board sommelier).
Mary Fisher, FAPLD has worn many hats over the years—usually one piled on top of the other—including CA Chapter President. She will long be remembered for driving the sponsorship program to the level that it is today. Most importantly, it is in the nurturing of these relationships where Mary has been invaluable, as we consider our sponsors to be part of our APLD family.
About a year ago, Mary saved this newsletter from an almost certain death. Even though Mary will no longer be a member of the board, she will continue at the helm of California Landscape Design. So, keep that hat on, Mary!
Amelia Lima, FAPLD has been a member of several APLD chapters around the country and has been certified for over 19 years. We are grateful that she finally settled in California. Amelia started the San Diego district, then moved to the CA Chapter board. After serving as CA Chapter President, she moved into the Advocacy Chair position. She is living proof that if you speak from the heart, with passion and grace—with or without an enchanting Brazilian accent—you can effectively get your message across and be a strong voice for the cause.
Laura Morton, FAPLD was the first President of the Greater Los Angeles district and then moved to the CA Chapter board. After serving as Chapter President, she continued on the board as Membership Chair and then Sponsorship Chair. She has basically been serving the board since Day One. Laura….where will we be without your larger than life personality, your creative spirit, your passion, your compassion and your beautiful singing voice???
Maureen Decombe has not officially been on the Chapter board this past year. However, I simply cannot write this without including her. Maureen’s service to APLD dates back to the beginning of this century! I will bet that most members that see Maureen’s behind-the-scenes machinations don’t even remember that she was CA Chapter President in 2009. Most know her as a strong voice and leader of the charge in our advocacy and sustainability efforts for many years. Simultaneously, since 2014, she has almost single-handedly revamped our website and has created systems that run every aspect of the chapter. Maureen has been absolutely tireless in her efforts and I honestly don’t know how we are going to fly with our own wings, as she ever so steadily weans us off on our own.
All of these beautiful women have been kind and generous to me beyond measure. We have bolstered each other professionally and personally. We have broken bread together, laughed, and cried together.
From the bottom of my heart—and I know I speak for many—thank you.
Photo courtesy of Ramie Allard. Photography by Mimi Giboin.
by Mary Fisher, FAPLD
It is important to step back once in a while and take notice of all the fantastic things our colleagues are doing in our local communities. Specifically, I would like to honor all APLD members who have taken time away from their design practice to educate others.
In the Bay Area alone, I can think of five current and past members who have taught classes at Merritt College Landscape Horticulture Department, an institution that has had a huge impact on the practice of landscape design in the Bay Area. I know from personal experience (because I am one of those five) that most of us are not doing it for financial gain, but rather for the joy of sharing knowledge and passion of horticulture with others in the hopes of making a positive impact on our community and environment.
So please take a moment to read below and see how a few of your APLD colleagues are educating and making a difference all over California.
Arleen Ferrara
Satori Garden Design, Santa Monica, CA
APLD Greater Los Angeles District Member
Arleen Ferrara is a registered horticultural therapist and has been teaching at a school for disabilities called Vista Del Mar. Most of the students have intellectual or developmental disabilities, with a large portion of them on the Autism Spectrum. There’s a huge variety of issues and abilities in the student population. These students have begun working with Arleen doing a little CSA (community supported agriculture) whereby they take orders around campus and fulfill them. She also meets up with many classes during the week to cook, learn, work, harvest, plant, everything!
Click HERE to watch Arleen work with students.
Pamela Berslter
CEO of G3, Green Gardens Group (APLD CA Gold Sponsor)
Executive Director of Pacific Horticulture
Pamela Berslter has spent the last decade spreading the word about a holistic Watershed Approach to landscaping, starting with her founding and directing G3, the Green Garden Group, and now as Executive Director of Pacific Horticulture Society. In 2008, when the seven “Founding Mothers” of G3 won their first contract with West Basin Municipal Water District for conducting “Attainable Sustainable” landscaping classes, the G3 of today was just a dream. But now, years later, G3 is an innovative, adaptable, flat organization, spreading, like the mycorrhizal fungi in soil, throughout California and beyond.
Other APLD members working with G3:
Marilee Kuhlman
Founding Mother & Qualified Trainer
Kimberly Alexander
G3 Qualified Trainer
Francesca Corra, APLD
G3 Qualified Trainer
Laura Bauer
G3 Qualified Trainer
Cheryl Buckwalter
Landscape Liaisons, Cool, CA
APLD Sacramento District Member
Cheryl Buckwalter is dedicated to helping usher California into a new age of sustainable, regenerative landscapes and landscape practices. During her 15-year career, Cheryl has been a consultant, educator, residential landscape designer, and Principal of Landscape Liaisons. Credentials include a degree in Environmental Horticulture, Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor (CLIA), Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL), and Qualified River-Friendly Landscaping (RFL) Green Gardener, as well as an instructor and curriculum developer for the Program. To help bring about a balance between urban landscapes and the environment, Cheryl has been a principal developer and project manager for numerous public sector programs, and for resources and tools for landscape professionals and residents.
DESIGNER PROFILE: Bernadette Balics
Interviewed by Tina Henricksen, APLD Sacramento District President
Bernadette Balics
Ecological Landscape Design, Davis, CA
APLD Sacramento District Treasurer
Bernadette Balics is the founder of Ecological Landscape Design, a Davis-based garden design company that focuses on enhancing the lives of clients by creating beautiful, functional landscapes free from reliance on fertilizer, pesticides, or wastewater. She designs using sustainably produced materials, soil building, and rainwater harvesting techniques.
What is your background, and what led you to a career in Landscape Design?
I was raised by two gardeners, and have a B.S. in plant genetics and a M.S. in Ecological Agriculture. After working in agriculture for 10 years, I wanted to be self-employed, with a focus of working with plants and people. Since I didn't have the guts or capital to become an organic farmer, I chose to start a landscape design and gardening business. Fortunately, I've been able to use many skills from previous jobs, even from my work as a Peace Corps volunteer in Cameroon, Central Africa.
Photo courtesy of Ramie Allard. Photography by Mimi Giboin.
News and Events from the APLD Bay Area District
Upcoming Events:
Click to zoom.
APLD Bay Area Designer Forum
A Few of My Favorite Things: Plants with a Purpose
An informal roundtable discussion where landscape designers share favorite plants for specific challenging situations.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019 from 3-5pm
at the Gamble Garden in Palo Alto
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
APLD Bay Area Speaker Series
Gardenlust: A Botanical Tour of the World’s Best New Gardens
Chris Woods will share highlights from the contemporary gardens featured in his recent book Gardenlust.
Tuesday, February 12, 2019 from 4-6pm
at the Lafayette Veterans Memorial Center
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
APLD Bay Area Designer Forum
A New Life for Old Concrete
A roundtable discussion about ways that landscape designers can take old concrete surfaces and transform them with stain, veneers, resurfacing, coatings and saw cutting.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019 from 3-5pm
at the Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, CA
More Info Here
APLD Bay Area Special Event
Climate Reality: Regeneration of the Landscape
Landscape architect and APLD member Shawn Maestretti will talk about creating “net-positive” gardens that actively work to reverse climate change.
Friday, March 1, 2019 from 4-7pm
at the Lafayette Veterans Memorial Center
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
APLD Bay Area Designer Forum
A Few of My Favorite Things: Bulletproof Shrubs
A roundtable discussion about those somewhat boring but most important backbones to a landscape – the shrubs. We invite all our members to come out and share their tried and true favorites that they continue to turn to.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019 from 4-6pm
at the Lafayette Veterans Memorial Building
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
APLD Bay Area Speaker Series
Dry Gardens: High Style for Low Water Gardens
Landscape designer Daniel Nolan will talk about his new book, Dry Gardens: High Style for Low Water Gardens.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019 from 3-5pm
at the Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, CA
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
APLD Bay Area Designer Forum
Designing Hell Strips
A roundtable discussion about the challenges of designing, installing and maintaining plantings in those narrow spaces between sidewalks and streets.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019 from 4-6pm
at the Lafayette Veterans Memorial Building
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
APLD Bay Area Designer Spotlight
The Designer's Space: A Private Tour of John Black's Garden
Garden designer and APLD member John Black opens up his home garden and discusses his personal landscape journey.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019 from 3-5pm
at 2140 Bowdoin Street, Palo Alto, CA
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
APLD Bay Area Designer Spotlight
Two accomplished APLD members, who are doing exciting and innovative work, share their latest projects, career, history, and process.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019 from 4-6pm
at the Lafayette Veterans Memorial Building
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
Remembering back to late 2015/2016—we were four separate districts (East Bay, North Bay, Peninsula, and San Francisco) working to coalesce into one district. It took the better part of two years to restructure, and the last two years to get our stellar programming back up and running. We’re now one Bay Area District, with monthly events in both Lafayette and Palo Alto. We’ve got our rhythm back—with a fabulous array of programs that create opportunities for members to increase their professional skills and network with colleagues.
In the next year, we’re going to focus on the infrastructure that it takes to make this work. We’ll be targeting four areas…
News & Events from the Sacramento District
A presentation by landscape architect Shawn Maestretti, ASLA on net-positive landscapes.
What are the attributes of an ideal modern garden?
Is it possible to create a garden that actively works to reverse climate change while being beautiful and flourishing?
We think so.
Join Shawn Maestretti on March 2nd for his presentation “Climate Reality: Regeneration of the Landscape” to learn about the current endangered state of our landscapes, and solution-oriented techniques for real-world garden designs that draw upon natural processes. Shawn will focus on how nurturing living soil, capturing rainwater, sequestering carbon in created landforms, and planting climate-appropriate plants for biodiversity are prudent design practices that every garden-lover will want to know about. This presentation is for everyone from landscape professionals to amateur garden enthusiasts.
ABOUT OUR SPEAKER: Shawn Maestretti is a designer, plantsman, certified arborist, educator, and licensed landscape contractor. Shawn has been creating exceptionally designed and artfully developed gardens in the greater Los Angeles area since 2006. Highly collaborative with a strong attention to detail and a knack for problem-solving, he helps his clients realize outdoor living spaces that they will connect with for years to come. Shawn combines extensive horticultural experience, strong composition skills, and environmentally-sensible practices with a wide palette of visually and texturally interesting California-friendly plants, breathing new life and a sense of place into every garden.
Shawn is the principal of Shawn Maestretti Garden Architecture (SMGA). He also a member of the Climate Reality Project leadership corp and a soil advocate with Kiss the Ground.
Saturday, March 2, 2019
time and location to be announced soon
News and Events from the
APLD Greater Los Angeles Area District
Upcoming Events:
APLD GLA Lecture Series
Jan Johnsen: The Spirit of Stone, Lecture and Book Signing
The ‘spirit of stone’ reveals the secrets of Japanese stone types and placement in a garden. ‘Creative Stonework’ inspires with intriguing design ideas for stone paving, walls, steps, and streams. The element of stone in a garden has two important qualities: function and beauty. It also conveys a sense of permanence and place. Since ancient times, stone has been revered for bringing a special "feel" to a garden. In The Spirit of Stone, award-winning designer Jan Johnsen presents a richly photographed, authoritative guide to creative and practical uses for stone in the landscape: steps, paths, garden walls, dry streams, benches, rock gardens, driveways and more.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019 4-6pm
La Casita Del Arroyo
More Info Here
Nigel Dunnett: Naturalistic Planting Design
Naturalistic planting design offers an exciting alternative to traditional garden making. Rich in plants, sustainable and good for the environment, naturalistic gardens are also beautiful, uplifting places that resonate with the energy of the natural world - but they can be challenging to get right.
We are lucky to catch international design superstar, Nigel Dunnet, on the launch of his seminal new book, Naturalistic Planting Design, The Essential Guide. Nigel will share his peerless ecological and horticultural wisdom and fascinating working methods to ensure success with every project. Discover how to create planting designs that capture the spirit of nature, foster immersive, emotionally engaging experiences and reduces the need for maintenance.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019 1-4pm
LA Arboretum
More Info Here
APLD GLA Special Event
4th Annual APLD Greater Los Angeles Garden Tour:
S.E.E! Succulents, Edibles, Ethical Gardens
Succulents, Edibles and Ethical garden practices. This year’s tour features gardens in West Los Angeles and Santa Monica that have received both recognition and rebates for their sustainable designs. The tour will culminate at a large estate garden that received ASLA’s 2018 Quality of Life Design Merit Award. Short presentations by the design build team for this award winning garden will be made about how to harvest rainwater, build biodiversity and support wildlife using native plants.
Sunday, April 14, 2019 9AM-4:30PM
In Santa Monica and Brentwood Area
More Info Here
News and Events from the APLD San Diego District
Upcoming Events:
APLD San Diego Social Media Member Forum
APLD Members! Interested in starting your own Facebook or Instagram page for your business? Want to know how to post effectively? What's the difference between a # and a @? Interested in learning how to send targeted ads on Facebook? Our own Anne-Emilie and Brad will guide us through the process of using social media to our advantage....and much more!
Thursday, January 17, 2019 from 3-5:30pm
at Village Nurseries Landscape Center in San Diego, CA
More Info Here
Landscape Literacy Symposium – Get the Dirt for 2019!
Join APLD SD for the latest dirt on landscaping! Topics will cover attractive residential landscaping with native plants, water capture in the garden, and much more! Speakers include Marilee Kuhlman, Shawn Maestretti, Thomas Ogren, Clayton Tschudy, and Marcia Van Loy.
Saturday February 2, 2019 8am-5pm
at Silver Gate Yacht Club in San Diego, CA
More Info Here
APLD San Diego District news:
The San Diego District has remained busy over the Fall and Winter months with various activities to help members increase their professional skills and network with other designers. As well, our on-going efforts to attract new members or re-engage those who have let their membership lapse has been rewarded with a notable increase in District members. Great news as we begin a new year!
Photo courtesy of Ramie Allard. Photography by Mimi Giboin.
APLD California Chapter
Through sponsorship of APLD California Chapter, these industry leaders declare their support for best practices, educational programs and events, and the highest standards in landscape design. From veteran materials suppliers to producers of cutting-edge landscape products, these companies have committed to connecting with professional landscape designers and our clients.
Landscape Lighting Workshop Overview:
What makes a good landscape lighting job?
by Bruce Dennis, Lightcraft Outdoor Environments—an APLD CA Bronze Sponsor
I am often asked, what creates a good lighting project? Many professional books have been written on this topic, as well as week-long workshops on landscape lighting. For the purpose of this article, I will highlight some of the most important aspects of good lighting.
As you know, most professional landscape projects incorporate some type of outdoor lighting into their plans. Property owners continue to realize the importance and value of landscape lighting as it relates to the overall beauty, safety and entertainment value of their outdoor environment. In addition, the popularity of LED lighting creates an even bigger demand, as lighting products have become extremely energy efficient while offering exceptional illumination, low power consumption with brilliant and vibrant colors.
Rain Bird Corporation is the leading manufacturer and provider of irrigation products and services. Rain Bird has been committed to the "intelligent use of water" for more than 80 years. We offer the education and water-efficient products you need to make better use of our most precious resource.
Simply click on a logo below to visit the website of one of our sponsors.
Please contact Julie Molinare at
Photo courtesy of Ramie Allard. Photography by Mimi Giboin.
A special event hosted by the California Landscape Contractors Association…
APLD Members are invited to CLCA’s 40th Anniversary Landscape Industry Show
February 6-7, Ontario Convention Center
The 2019 Landscape Industry Show celebrates four decades of bringing you the latest and greatest industry expertise, innovation, and education! Plan to attend February 6-7 in Ontario — registration is now open! The Ontario Convention Center is conveniently located, with easy access to hotels and major freeways.
For a free exhibit hall pass or more information on 50 seminars, workshops, and certification tests—several offering APLD CEUs—visit
Is there a new technology you are curious about? Thinking of expanding your current services? Come discover new ideas and expert solutions to help you hit the ground running in 2019. Learn about the best products, services, and strategies to help improve and grow your business. Check out the new exhibits, suppliers, and demonstrations and get your questions answered face-to-face. Develop and expand your network of business contacts as you meet exhibitors and other attendees at LIS.
Take advantage of the affordable seminars offered at LIS. Advance your career development and earn CEUs by attending a variety of classes in this year’s educational lineup. You will take away information and tools to benefit your business right away.
Keep yourself at the forefront of industry trends and standards with all there is to see and do at LIS 2019.
See you at the show!
Click HERE for a list of exciting workshops offering APLD CEUs—including Enchanting Clients with Pollinator Gardens with Brandy Williams.
“Each year I attend at least one Landscape Industry Show. I'll buddy up with another designer pal or two and make a day of it. There are always seminars on a wide variety of topics and walking the show is an opportunity to get inspiration from new vendors and their products as well as give a face to face hello to people I have been working with for years….and see what new plunder they have been working on. I often leave with samples, new catalogues and thinking I would have enjoyed more time.
The LIS show in Ontario is around the corner! And if you do see one of our California chapter sponsors there, don’t forget to let them know you are a member of APLD and you appreciate their support.”
-Laura Morton, FAPLD
More Opportunities and Events…
APLD or APLD Sponsor events in BOLD.
The Landscape Architecture Legacy of Dan Kiley
An exhibition at UC Berkeley.
January 15-February 9, 2019
APLD San Diego Social Media Member Forum
at Village Nurseries Landscape Center in San Diego, CA
January 17, 2019
Building Greener Communities Street Tree Seminar
at Huntington Gardens in San Marino, CA
January 17, 2019
The Re-Generation of Gardens with Shawn Maestretti
Arcadia, CA
January 19, 2019
Merritt College Landscape Horticulture Department Spring Semester begins.
January 22, 2019
Jan Johnsen: The Spirit of Stone
Lecture and book signing with APLD Greater Los Angeles District.
January 22, 2019
Western Water Summit
San Diego, CA
January 22-23, 2019
A Few of My Favorite Things: Plants with a Purpose
an APLD Bay Area Designer Forum at the Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, CA
January 23, 2019
Climate Reality: Regeneration of the Landscape with Shawn Maestretti
for the CNPS, San Gabriel Chapter
at the Eaton Canyon Center in Pasadena, CA
January 24, 2019
Build a Better Landscape Business Workshop
San Diego, CA
January 25, 2019
Northern CA Home & Landscape Expo
Sacramento, CA
January 25-27, 2019
Garden Conservancy Open Days
January 26, 2019
Water Efficient Landscape Review: Overview and Tips for Compliance
at EBMUD Headquarters in Oakland, CA
January 28, 2019
Cuyamaca College Ornamental Horticulture Department Spring Semester begins.
January 28, 2019
Mark Eischeid lecture at UC Berkeley
January 28, 2019
Carolus Linneaus and the Naming of Everything
A lecture with Margareta Sequin
UC Botanical Garden, Berkeley, CA
January 31, 2019
Landscape Literacy Symposium with APLD San Diego District
February 2, 2019
7th Annual Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Conservation Symposium
February 2, 2019
CLCA 40th Annual Landscape Industry Show
Ontario, CA
February 6-7, 2019
River Friendly Landscaping Green Gardener Training: Intro to Soil Science
Sacramento, CA
February 8, 2019
Foodscaping Lecture with Brie Arthur for the San Diego Hort Society
San Diego, CA
February 11, 2019
Gardenlust: A Botanical Tour of the World’s Best New Gardens
with Chris Woods, an APLD Bay Area Speaker Series
at the Veteran’s Memorial Building in Lafayette, CA
February 12, 2019
Citrus Varieties and How to Care For Them, a Western Hort Lecture
Los Altos, CA
February 13, 2019
Nor Cal Landscape & Nursery Show
San Mateo, CA
February 14, 2019
Palms for Dry Climates
A lecture by Jason Dewees for So Cal Hort Society
Los Angeles, CA
February 14, 2019
River Friendly Landscaping Green Gardener Training: Using Mulch & Compost
Sacramento, CA
February 15, 2019
Sustainability Symposium 2019
The Desert Shall Boom: Solutions for a Verdant Planet
Las Vegas, NV
February 18, 2019
The Landscape Architecture Legacy of Dan Kiley
An exhibition at UC Riverside.
February 19-April 12, 2019
Northwest Flower & Garden Festival
Seattle, WA
February 20-24, 2019
Garden Pro 2.0 Conference
Seattle, WA
February 22, 2019
River Friendly Landscaping Green Gardener Training: Fertilizer and Turf Care
Sacramento, CA
February 22, 2019
Anita Berrizbeitia Lecture at UC Berkeley
February 25, 2019
A New Life for Old Concrete
an APLD Bay Area Designer Forum
at the Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, CA
February 27, 2019
Climate Reality: Regeneration of the Landscape
with Shawn Maestretti , an APLD Bay Area Special Event
at the Veteran’s Memorial Building in Lafayette, CA
March 1, 2019
Spring Home/Garden Show
Del Mar, CA
March 1-3, 2019
Climate Reality: Regeneration of the Landscape
with Shawn Maestretti , an APLD Sacramento Special Event
Sacramento, CA
March 2, 2019
Diane Jones Allen Lecture at UC Berkeley
March 4, 2019
Healing the Rift—Gardens for a Troubled Planet
A lecture by Jinny Blom for the Garden Conservancy in West Hollywood.
March 7, 2019
Healing the Rift—Gardens for a Troubled Planet
A lecture by Jinny Blom for the Garden Conservancy in Woodside.
March 10, 2019
Gardenlust: A Botanic Tour
A lecture with Chris Woods for the San Diego Hort Society in San Diego.
March 11, 2019
A Few of My Favorite Things: Bulletproof Shrubs
an APLD Bay Area Designer Forum
at the Veteran’s Memorial Building in Lafayette, CA
March 12, 2019
From Shadows to Sun, The Making of Windcliff with Dan Hinkley
A Western Hort Lecture in Los Altos.
March 13, 2019
The AEHS Foundation’s Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy, and Air
San Diego, CA
March 18-21, 2019
Nigel Dunnett: Naturalistic Planting Design
an APLD Greater Los Angeles Area Speaker Series
at the LA Arboretum
March 19, 2019
Dry Gardens: High Style for Low Water Gardens with Daniel Nolan
an APLD Bay Area Speaker Series at the Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, CA
March 27, 2019
16th Annual Theodore Payne Native Plant Garden Tour
Los Angeles, CA
April 6-7, 2019
Foothill College Environmental Horticulture Department Spring Quarter begins.
April 8, 2019
Designing Hell Strips
an APLD Bay Area Designer Forum
at the Veteran’s Memorial Building in Lafayette, CA
April 9, 2019
Bugs You Hope to See Less Of with Ann Northrup
A Western Hort Lecture in Los Altos.
April 10, 2019
4th Annual APLD Greater Los Angeles Garden Tour
Los Angeles, CA
April 14, 2019
The Designer's Space: A Private Tour of John Black's Garden
an APLD Bay Area Designer Spotlight
at the Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, CA
April 24, 2019
Gamble Garden Tour
Palo Alto, CA
April 26-27, 2019
Sacramento Valley Native Plant Garden Tour
April 27, 2019
2019 Eco-Friendly Garden Tour in Marin County
May 4, 2019
Going Native Garden Tour
Santa Clara Valley and SF Peninsula
May 4-5, 2019
Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour
Alameda and Contra Costa counties
May 5, 2019
Growing Community in Northern CA Agrihoods with Laura Hermanson
A Western Hort Lecture in Los Altos.
May 8, 2019
Garden Conservancy Open Days in the East Bay, CA
May 11, 2019
Financial Issues for Landscape Designers
an APLD Bay Area Speaker Series with David Harlow, CPA/PFS
at the Veteran’s Memorial Building in Lafayette, CA
May 14, 2019
Irrigation Update 2019
an APLD Bay Area Speaker Series with Andrew Bolt
at the Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, CA
May 22, 2019
Garden Conservancy Open Days in Marin County, CA
June 1, 2019
Garden Conservancy Open Days in San Francisco, CA
June 8, 2019
APLD Designer Spotlight: Kelly Kilpatrick & Ramie Allard
at the Veteran’s Memorial Building in Lafayette, CA
June 11, 2019
Garden Conservancy Open Days in Mendocino County, CA
June 15, 2019
Herbs: The Multifunctional Workhorses of the Garden
an APLD Bay Area Speaker Series with Rose Loveall
at the Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, CA
June 26, 2019
Welcome New Members
Please give a warm welcome to these new members of the APLD California Chapter.
Allied Members
Beth Button
Inside Out Design & Build, San Diego, CA
San Diego District
Student Members
Kellie Mertz
Bay Area District
Sashont Crisp-Grieser
Bay Area District
Valerie Klobe
Bay Area District
Qualified Professional Members
Pete Bordin
PB’s Greenthumb Landscaping, Encinitas, CA
San Diego District
Brad Lefkowitz
Waves Landscape Design, Carlsbad, CA
San Diego District
Kristen Meyer
Bay Scenery LLC, Los Altos, CA
Bay Area District
Kim Raftery
Raftery Garden Design, Palo Alto, CA
Bay Area District
Sarah Herman
Sarah Herman Landscape Design, Berkeley, CA
Bay Area District
Monika Kafka
Mscape Design, San Jose, CA
Bay Area District
Contributors to Winter 2019 Edition:
Content Coordinator: Mary Fisher, FAPLD
Design and Content Editor: Maggie J Elias
Call for Submissions
We invite your participation in the California Landscape Design magazine Spring 2019 edition. Please send your story ideas to us before March 1, 2019 to be included in the spring edition. Send email to: