Photo courtesy of Jude Parkinson-Morgan, Jude Parkinson-Morgan Photography.
News and Events from the APLD Bay Area District
Upcoming Events:
APLD Bay Area Designer Forum
Designing Hell Strips
A roundtable discussion about the challenges of designing, installing and maintaining plantings in those narrow spaces between sidewalks and streets.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019 from 4-6pm
at the Lafayette Veterans Memorial Building
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
APLD Bay Area Designer Spotlight
The Designer's Space: A Private Tour of John Black's Garden
Garden designer and APLD member John Black opens up his home garden and discusses his personal landscape journey.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019 from 3-5pm
at 2140 Bowdoin Street, Palo Alto, CA
More Info Here
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APLD Bay Area Speaker Series
Financial Issues for Landscape Designers with David Harlow, CPA/PFS
Learn about the latest tax changes, accounting and retirement planning for self-employed landscape designers with CPA David Harlow. 1.5 APLD CEUs.
Tuesday, May 14 from 4-6pm
at Veteran’s Memorial Building, Lafayette
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
APLD Bay Area Speaker Series
Irrigation Update 2019 with Andrew Bolt
Irrigation expert Andrew Bolt of Architectural Solutions in Modesto will walk us through the latest theories and methods for efficient irrigation – what’s really working and what’s not. 1.5 APLD CEUs.
Wednesday, May 22 from 3-5pm
at Gamble Garden, Palo Alto
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
APLD Bay Area Designer Spotlight
Two accomplished APLD members, who are doing exciting and innovative work, share their latest projects, career, history, and process.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019 from 4-6pm
at the Lafayette Veterans Memorial Building
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
APLD Bay Area Speaker Series
HERBS: The Multifunctional Workhorses of the Garden
Herb expert Rose Loveall from Morningsun Herb Farm will speak about some of the best herbs to use in landscape design. 1.5 APLD CEUs.
Wednesday, June26 from 3-5pm
at Gamble Garden, Palo Alto
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
News & Events from the Sacramento District
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Click images to zoom.
To pre-register for the event, click here.
The Sacramento District began the year with activities to help members network with fellow designers and to gain knowledge to strengthen their professional skills.
In February, we hosted our popular Designer Dirt meet-up, which was well attended by our members as well as students and faculty from a local community college. We look forward to more opportunities to attract students to our events. There is much interest in a mentoring program and seeing it implemented.
Our March 2nd event with Shawn Maestretti, held at Village Homes in Davis, was a great success with a packed house, even on a rainy day! This ecologically-planned development built in the 1970s was the perfect venue for Shawn’s climate-focused discussion. Devil Mountain Nursery brought CA native plants which went home with some lucky attendees. Our own Cheryl Buckwalter gave an update to the group on our Sustainability and Advocacy efforts. Following Shawn’s talk, we were given a wonderful tour of the development where we had a chance to see their bioswales in action, as well as community gardens, orchards, vineyards, and how they best use natural resources. What an inspiring day!
Coming up at the end of April, APLD Sacramento will join in on the UC Spring Irrigation Trials in Davis, followed by an Arboretum tour. This looks to be a great event. We hope to see you there! Plans are in the works to host another Designer Dirt…stay tuned.
We are excited that our small district is growing—we’ve already added a few new members this year. We look forward to another great year in the Sacramento District!
News and Events from the
APLD Greater Los Angeles Area District
Upcoming Events:
APLD GLA Special Event
4th Annual APLD Greater Los Angeles Garden Tour:
S.E.E! Succulents, Edibles, Ethical Garden practices
This year’s tour features gardens 7 gardens in the first session 9am-1pm in West Los Angeles and Santa Monica some having received rebates for pervious driveway, turf removal or rain gardens. The afternoon garden is a large estate that received an American Society of Landscape Architects 2018 Quality of Life Design Merit Award. At this final garden, short walking presentations by the design team will start every 30 minutes, Topics to be included; Rain water harvesting; supporting habitat; native plants communities in the garden, succulents from around the world and irrigating a complex garden with both potable and rain water.
Sunday, April 14, 2019 9AM-4:30PM
In Santa Monica and Brentwood Area
More Info Here
Click to zoom.
save the date:
update from the Bureau of Sanitation in Los Angeles
June 11,2019 from 5-7pm
at the Hyperion Water Treatment Facility
Join us to participate in the discussion going forward on policy, code development, building restrictions, Biodiversity repair etc on how we resolve and correct issues related to the decline of our environment within the California Floristic Providence. Learn about things we can do now in the landscapes we are creating today to help our environment.
Speakers: Mas Dojiri PhD(assistant general manager at LA Sanitation) and Isaac Brown (doctoral student in the Institute for Environment and Sustainability at UCLA; project coordinator at LA Sanitation)
More info here.
Click to zoom. More info here.
save the date:
The Second Annual APLD Greater LA Designer Plant Fair
September 14, 2019 at the LA Arboretum
Stay tuned for more info.
News from the APLD San Diego District
Spring 2019 finds the San Diego District up to its eyeballs in a Super Bloom! Many of our members have trekked out to the desert (and other areas closer in) for the wildflower show this year, and we have been noticing an uptick of interest in California native plant species. Our great rain patterns this winter have really helped the cause!
The founder of CalScape recently hosted a CA Native garden tour on March 28th. The property that was featured on the tour is on two acres in our local North County and completely planted with endemic CA native plant species.
Upcoming member events include a members-only forum on graphics and presentation for landscape designers on April 25th, with location TBD. We are also participating in a local East County garden tour on April 27th by offering our “30 for 30” design consultations.
If we can squeeze this in, we hope to be at San Diego’s 30th annual EarthFair celebration on April 28th hosting an information booth. May 23rd will feature a members-only tour of a local healing garden, and up-to-date information will be posted on the APLD calendar for all these events as soon as possible.
Lastly, many members here will be traveling north to Greater Los Angeles’ S.E.E. Garden Tour on April 13th. We hope to see GLA (and other District) members along the tour, and welcome this opportunity to talk shop in the beautiful gardens!